.....استغفر الله .. استغفر الله ...استغفر الله

Friday 18 February 2011

I'm a Handicapped!!!! :)

Al Salam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatoh
Today I want to share an important issue with all of you, it is about "how people look to the handicapped".  How can I know such a thing?!!! You'll know just now.
I did my last operation in my right knee on the third of February, about sixteen days ago.  And during this period and until this moment I'm using the crutches in walking as my physician advised me for say, somehow short distances, but for long ones I should be using the wheel chair.
I noticed that there are four kinds of "looks" ,if I may say, to me as a disabled person:
1.      It is the first and the best, the normal look, why is that?!!! It is because the handicapped is really a normal human being, but with an exam from Allah The Great either to clean this person from his/her sins, or to raise them to a higher level in Paradise.

2.      The second kind of look, which is also somehow acceptable to me, which is to look to these people with pride, as if they are really heroes, and really they are, especially when they live their life, go out, walk in huge malls and do everything without being shy of their situation.

3.      The third one, which is not acceptable at all, looking at them with sympathy and sadness.  Why is it unacceptable?!!!  It is being so since it has a negative psychological effect on this person as well as the discouragement it has on this person.

4.      The last and this time the least, is looking at them as people in a lower level, as if they are unwanted groups of people, Why?!!!  Do these people think that we live without any feelings?!!!  Do these people think that we are no more humans?!!!.

To be continued….


  1. سلام مدونه حلوه مواضيعها حلوه واكيد سوف استفيد منها جدا واتمنى لك الاستمراريه حياتي وربي يوفقك دوما

  2. I liked the blog
    This is what I'm saying always .... ...

    But these people are lucky in my opinion

    They are special
    Thank you

    yzaj allah 5air e5ty
