.....استغفر الله .. استغفر الله ...استغفر الله

Wednesday 15 December 2010

My Indian Journey

Al Salam Alaikom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatoh

First of all I would like to apologize to whom it may concern regarding being unble to write anything yesterday, and that was because I travelled to India on Monday for medecation, and I'll come back on Saturday inshallah.

I know that this news is not important for every body and that it has nothing to do with "using blogs in English teaching", on the other hand, and in my own opinion I think that "socializing your blog" if I may say, will give it more delicious smell and taste, and will trigger people to read and benefit from. 

Again, someone might wonder what is this lady talking about?!  Which smell and taste she means?!!!  And I'll be frank to tell you that I might be affected by the numerous types of delicious dishes offered at Le Meridien Hotel where I reside during my "Indian Journey".  But don't think that I'm advertising for this hotel or for the city of Cothin, and for Kerala in particular, but really for those who seek the feeling of excitment and wormth, I invite them to visit Kerala, not tomorrow but today, please hurry up and you will never loze.

This is enough for this post, since I'll be writing my new post in the coming minutes.  See u then... 


  1. I wish that whoever reads my posts give me any comments of value to be able to develop my writings or correct ant possible mistakes, thank you very much for all of you.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post .

    The readings are very intriguing ( fascinating )because they tell the story of someone's life that we might not know about .On other word, they describ place that they visit . In my opinion , the readings ( stories ) provide an insight about someone's beliefs , values, language, religious traditions . So that it makes me wonder what else is going on in the world that we have not discovered yet .

    Thanks ,

  3. OMG!! i envy you!

    Kerla is an amazing place to enjoy and relax, really!!

    especially when you like the color Green, and the smell of grass!! but m sure ur not smelling grass as u said.. indian food is the delicious one..

    let me guess ur daily menu:

    Nan bread and yoghurt in the morning!
    Or Paratah and Omlet with Chay karak!!

    Beryani checken full of awesomest herbs .. that would be Lunch maybe!!

    And chicken butter with nan bread again.. and red tea maybe!!

    i Never been there but i can imagine how simple the life is in india .. =D

    Please even if ur having ur treatments in there ENJOY every single moment .. and m looking forward to read more of ur adventures.

  4. Thank you very much Bishara and Fatima, you cannot imagine how pleased I'm when reading your comments, and I hope that Allah will bless all of you, and I really consider myself your mother or at least your elder sister, but please whenever you see that I'm doing or saying something which is not good or not right, please....I beg you all who are reading my writings to advise me and correct me whenever needed. So, please do not hisitate to comment as smoothly and freely as the beauty of nature....your mother HB-53
