.....استغفر الله .. استغفر الله ...استغفر الله

Monday, 4 April 2011

Help me to Preserve our Environment!!!

Al Salam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatoh

Once, I heard a lecture about "Environment Preservation", but it was given in such a unique way, that I didn't expect its points and details till I heard it.  This lecture was given by a famous scholar known by most Muslims: Sheikh Mohammad bin Saleh Al Othaimeen -Rahemaho Allah-.

Do you know what he was talking about most of the lecture?!  He was stressing the worst and biggest kind of sins ever done in this life; do you know what is it?!  I'll give you a simple example to make it clear for everybody.  Imagine that you have a son whom you feed, worry about, teach, give all kind of care, and raised till he/she became young, strong, healthy, wealthy, even you afford him/her a nice house, a spouse....Just everything, then even you helped him/her in raising his/her own children, then, after doing all of that, he/she told you:  You are not my parent, I have no any kind of obligation towards you, I won't ever thank you since I've done everything myself and you don't have any right to be given, so, I'll thank everyone else but not you.......etc.

What will you consider this kind of person?!....I won't give you the answer, but, think about it yourself, and by your own self.....Do you think that this son or daughter were grateful to their father or mother?....Were they fair with them after having all numerous kinds of help, support, assistance?...you name it...After staying up the whole night when they were sick or even tired?....After giving them all what they have of physical, emotional, Psychological, and whatever type of help they might need?...Then what?  Thanking others for all of that?!!!

Did you get the point?!  Hope so, but just in case, I'll make it clearer.  The point that was stressed by Sheikh Al Othaimeen is that:  The real polluter for this whole universe is worshiping anything else but not the Great Lord, Allah, worshiping stones, worshiping life and  dead people, worshiping Angels, Prophets, planets, stars....anything...just anything but not Allah, the Great, the Creator, the Lord....Please....I beg you use your mind...use your inner feelings...use your instinct, your sense, your intuition...Who Created you?....who is Feeding you?...who is Guiding you?...who is Helping you in all aspects of your life?....Who is Blessing you?

If you are really honest, and sure you are, you'll just answer:  Allah....Allah....Allah....Allah....Allah...and no one else but Allah.....So, why do you ask others, why do you worship others, why do you....why do you...why do you.....When doing so, are you really a good slave of Allah....Don't rush in answering....Take your time.....Have deep breath....Be as honest as you've ever been....Then answer. 

May Allah Guide all of us to the only real and right path....which will lead us to Paradise and save us from Hell...."Ameeen Ya Rab"....


  1. May Allah Guide all of us to the only real and right path....which will lead us to Paradise and save us from Hell...."Ameeen Ya Rab"....


    دايما افكر في هالشي
    واللي ينادون على الحفاظ على البيئة
    ولازم مانسوي هالشيء وهالشيء
    وطبقة الاوزن

    من يومين بنتي تقولي ان من ظمن المقررات
    اللي عليهم كيف يحافظون على طبقة الاوزن
    فتسألني عن فكرة

    قلتلها اللي بيحافظ على طبقة الاوزن هو الله ...
    مو التقارير والابحاث

    واعمال الناس وحفاظهم على دينهم وعبادتهم
    بيسلمهم من كل مكروه

    خلهم اول يحافظون على الانسان بعدين طبقة الاوزون

    اسفة يمكن طلعت عن المقال

    بس يزاج الله خير

  2. لا أبدًا لم تخرجي عن المقال، بل إن كلامك يصب في صميم المقال..فمسألة التلوث الفكري تأتي في المقام الأول..ثم التلوث البيئي وكيفية الوقاية منه أو الحفاظ على البيئة...فربنا سبحانه قد تكفل لنا بحفظ الأرض إلى قيام الساعة..والإشكالية تكمن في أننا من نخل بهذا التوازن كلما ابتعدنا عن ديننا الحنيف...فأعظم وأول أمر للبشرية جمعاء هو توحيد الله وإفراده بالعبادة، كما أن أعظم وأول نهي للبشرية كذلك هو النهي عن الشرك بالله بجميع صوره وأشكاله...فعلينا بما أمرنا به..وربنا سبحانه تكفل لنا بكل تفاصيل ودقائق حياتنا فيما بقي.. فهو حسبنا ونعم الوكيل.،
